How To: Unlock the Hidden Menu & Run a Diagnostic Test on Your LG G3

Unlock the Hidden Menu & Run a Diagnostic Test on Your LG G3

If you notice any issues with your LG G3, pinpointing the culprit can be an arduous task. It could be a hardware issue, a resource-heavy app, or a bloatware-infested operating system.

Regardless, you'll want to know where the issue lies so you can better troubleshoot the problem. And if you need to take your device back to a retailer, knowing the problem for yourself will ensure you don't get screwed by someone who assumes to know more than you.

With a useful, built-in feature on the G3, you can easily run a diagnostic test to ensure things like your LED backlight and camera are functioning properly. All you need to do is enter a code that will unlock the G3's "Hidden Menu", allowing you to cross items off your troubleshooting list.

Warning: This procedure is not for the faint-of-heart. As evidenced in the comments below, entering this test menu can lead to different results on different carrier variants. If you have any issues, please leave us a comment below.

Step 1: Get Your Carrier-Specific Code

The codes vary depending on which carrier's device you have, so note the correct one for your LG G3 below.

  • AT&T: 3845#*850#
  • Sprint: 5689#*990#
  • T-Mobile: 3845#*851#
  • Verizon Wireless: ##228378 (+ send)
  • International Models: 3845#*855#

Also, each carrier's Hidden Menu can offer different options—I'll be showing off the Hidden Menu on the Sprint variant, but yours may be slightly different.

Step 2: Input Your Code

Head to your Phone app's dialer to enter your code. When you reach the final character, your device will reveal the Hidden Menu. If you have a Verizon Wireless variant, you'll need to actually "dial" the number after the last character.

Step 3: Run an ELT Test

Now that you've unlocked the Hidden Menu, select ELT Test. You can choose between Automatic or Manual, but personally, I run the Manual test so I can see it for myself. The test will allow you to check your LCD backlight, ringtone, vibrator, camera, audio loopback, and microphone.

Note: Unless you're an advanced user, do not explore the Hidden Menu, as you can open pages you may not be able to navigate out out of.

Select an item to test, then tap Test Start. Depending on what you're testing, the device will utilize the feature and open a dialog box with the results. You would then select Stop when done.

Fix for Frozen Screen for D855 Variant

Some users have reported a frozen screen when entering or running tests within the hidden menu. If you find yourself in this situation, press and hold the Power button, then select "Normal Boot". Thanks to our members for pointing this out, and for Anarconda over on XDA for the fix.

Hopefully your device does not have any serious issues, but if it does, make sure you get the proper information to provide the manufacturer or retailer.

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help me guys, i try to do the diagnostic test and i enter first the device test, and it stuck on the auto detecting item, what will i do?

waiting for your responce. ty

I have the same issue JL Gadget, I called verizon and they had no clue so they are sending a new phone out

I hope you have seen the updated guide for a quick fix to this problem. Let us know if your device is back to normal.

Take the battery out, wait 30 seconds put it back in and power back on.

I have the same issue JL Gadget, I called verizon and they had no clue so they are sending a new phone out

Thanks a lot.. Srinivasan Ramanathan..

I just got stuck in the same screen and managed to get out thanks to this link

For the rest looking at this page, stay away unless ur some lg engineer....authors could have been more clear

Our apologies for not covering this, but a big thanks to you all for pointing it out as well as the fixed. Article has been updated!

Thank you thank you! Life saver

Help you solve your issue?

This article was referenced in Drippler today. This is very bad. I have a Verizon LG G3 and tried this. Now I cannot get out of the MiniOS boot mode. I never did view the test menu. The screen goes blank and all I see are colored circles with a plus in the center, whenever I touch the screen. I've looked around the web for an answer to no avail. I called LG support, and they don't recommend doing this. I was told that this is like rooting your phone, and voids the warranty. Update: I did manage to recover. I had to get to System recovery mode; press and hold power (press power button in furhter and hold will bring up the menu). Reset the phone. The next time it boots, it will still boot to MiniOS. But this time, the test menu displays. Following the instructions in the xda-developers forum then got me the rest of the way to recover to normal boot mode. phew

Glad you were able to recover.

Yes, this action is not for the faint of heart, and clearly it works differently with different carrier models.

Thank you for pointing this out, and we'll be sure to add a disclaimer.

Man, the same has happen to me, I was trying to fix my proximity sensor and got stuck with the damn colored circles.

Thank you very much for your help. But If I may just sugest a fine tune to your tip, the correct procedure to hard reset the LG G3 as I latter find out was::

1 - Remove your battery.
2 - Press and hold both power and less Volume button (put the battery back before, of course);
3 - Right after the LG logo apear release both buttons and press power button again for 3 secs.

4 - After that you'll be asked to reset your device to factory settings. Use the volume buttons to answer yes. (as you said unfortunately thats the only way to recover the cellphone)

After those steps, luckily the Secret Menu will show. Than you press the power button and touch the Normal boot Option.
Thats it. Done.


I wanted to know if with this code i can check how long the phone has been used... the reason is - I bought from Ebay new phone and i'm suspected that the seller sold me a used phone...

Thank you for your help.

No, this won't help with that. Something you can do is go here to see if your phone is blacklisted. All you need is the IMEI number that can be found under About Device in your settings.

I really goofed, instead of clicking ELT test, I clicked on Device test. Now, I am stuck and cannot get out of test results (OTG fail, btw, whatever that is). Tried holding the power key from link above, nothing. Called the cell number & went to vm, but cell didn't ring. Any help, please????

bro i have the same problem with my phone kindly suggest me what i do know?

I too did the same and it is stuck now. Worrying about the data and contacts . Please let me know the steps you followed to recover all.

How can i access screen to input nck number for sprint model ls990? Thank you

There is no any Hidden Manu or toher type of options. When i am pressing "null" the screen showing "No Implementation". So please guide me if you have some solution this problem.

LG G3 Sprint LS990, 3GB, 32GB
The problem is same as above MMI error

please i want to know with use this test dont lose anything dont have any problem with warnity ???

I've a strange problem with my Lg G3 phone by T-Mobile. Model number D851 is not accepting any code to show hidden menu. I've tried all you gave.

Even i installed th "Shortcut master" the app to show the hidden menu. In this app the hidden menu has been shown but no one option is working. It shows me the error that not found.

Pls help me as fast.


Please help me.
My phone's model is f460k it is lg g3 cat6.
How to open hidden menu

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