How To: Unlock the Bootloader & Install a Custom Recovery on the LG G3

Unlock the Bootloader & Install a Custom Recovery on the LG G3

While LG G3 users have been patiently waiting, developer the cubed and his Codefire team have been diligently working on a successful unlock method for the heavily locked-down bootloader. Now it's finally here, and the unlocking method is extremely easy to do—and it works for all G3 variants.

Instead of using terminal and ADB commands, the entire process can be done on your G3, only taking a few minutes.

Step 1: Have a Rooted LG

If your G3 is not yet rooted, make sure to checkout our complete root guide and get this step out of the way. The process is a piece of cake, trust me.

Step 2: Install Flashify

With your device rooted, go to the Play Store and install the free application Flashify. Adversely, you can take a look at the official thread and follow the ADB instructions for use on a computer, but using Flashify makes that process obsolete (and much faster).

Step 3: Download the Correct IMG File

The unlock method is called Bump!, and it'll unlock any variant of the LG G3. All you'll need is the appropriate recovery file based on your model number. Download the file directly to your device, or transfer it over from your computer.

If you aren't sure which file to download, check your model number by heading to Settings -> About Phone -> Hardware information.

Step 4: Flash the File

Open Flashify, select Recovery Image -> Choose a file -> Downloads and select the TWRP recovery image you downloaded in Step 3. When it asks if you want to flash the file, select Yup!

Your device will reboot into recovery after the file is flashed. To reboot into recovery on your own, power down your device completely, then power it back on holding down the Power + Volume Down keys at the same time.

Typically, this process would have required you to download the proper drivers and issue the correct ADB commands, but Flashify streamlines the whole process.

Remember to keep up with the developer's thread for updates and Bump'd boot images. But now that we have our bootloaders unlocked, look for even more mods and ROMs to make their way to our devices.

Let us know in the comment section below how the process went for you, and keep with with more news and tips on our Facebook or Twitter feeds.

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Did the Flashing. The phone is now stuck in a black screen with only the text:

680fastboot mode started

Only way to get out of it is to take out the battery and reboot normally. When rebooting into recovery manually same message appears.

Did you select Recovery Image when using Flashify? Some people have reported accidentally selecting Boot image.

So far everything went well! I managed to root and install SuperSU but when it came down to installing the recovery image, my particular model number was not listed (LG-D851). Is there a recovery image for my model number? Appreciate your assistance.

That's a bummer. I looked through the developer's thread and found nothing. I recommend commenting and requesting it from the dev.

Will do thanks!

Will this process wipe all of my data on the phone?

So what do I do after I flash the file and it boots into recovery? I want to install a custom ROM

Stupid question. Do I still need Flashify after this process.

No, you can get rid of that application. It does have its uses, but it's not necessary to keep.

I tried this but when it tries to boot into recovery I get a black screen and my notification led flashes blue and red. I did download the right file (I double checked :) ). My model is LG G3 D855. Does anyone maby know what I am doing wrong?

I've got the same problem. Black screen anf blue/red blinking LED

Same thing with me on my D852. Red and blue notification lights just blink. Black screen.

I found out why. Its because this boot loader is for kitkat and not lollipop. We gotta wait for someone on xda to do a lollipop one.

Go on xda. There are files there for you to use to install twrp. Its pretty easy to do.

Hi, I did everything you said except I flashed the latest TWRP using Flashify but when I rebooted into recovery, I got a (700) FASTBOOT MODE ACTIVATED on a black screen. Any tips?

my lg g3 d858 hk ...its dead or showtdownd its not working on startup its dont appear th lg logo....and i cant inter the downlod mod and recovery........

Lg D855 same issue, blackscreen, u can tell its turning on but nothing happens....

i need to do this on my Xperia m2(d2303) please help me because i don't know what img file to download where to download it. please help me. thank you

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